I'm into spin now.

Microblogging on Twitter is so out now, so I’m going to longblog here with a quick life update. I’m a spin girl now. I had been looking for more exercise activities to complement the workouts I do with my personal trainer. I was initially very nervous, mainly about how loud it would be.

And people on Twitter indeed reassured me it would be unbelievably loud.

But, I recently signed up for a two week unlimited trial at a studio across the street from me in downtown Toronto and much to my surprise I was hooked after just one class. It was for sure unbelievably loud (I wore earplugs) and I’m not super into the music alone, but I felt euphoric after the 50 minute session. The endorphin high was real. I went home (drenched in sweat) and immediately booked another class.

Now I’ve taken five classes in the past week or so (some days doubling up with strength training which is intense) and I feel like I’ve already fully assimilated spin into my personality. I bought a new fancy water bottle, got a Fitbit, and now I’m blogging about it.

I’ll definitely never become a spin instructor. Sometimes I’m shocked that I studied music performance at a conservatory – you’d think I’d be able to move to a beat with some ease. Not consistently the case. And I can’t do some twisting or side-to-side motions due to my spinal fusion. Nonetheless, I think I can say I want to be a spin girl for life!